SJS CAR WASHING doesn’t require any external storage, water or electrical supply to operate, therefore reducing fixed costs to the facilities Management or business user.
Unlike traditional car washing methods using a hose or a bucket often damage and scratch the paint work of your vehicle due to the high salt content of water in the Middle East. This causes rapid oxidation of your vehicles paintwork. Our Car wash does not require water, as we use a special wash and polish technique.
Our process uses an exclusive polymer compound which lifts the dirt from the surface of the paint and encapsulates it in a polymer lubricant. We then remove the dirt with high quality microfibre cloth and we do this without causing a single scratch on your car . We usually apply Silicone Free Enviro Tyre Dresser, which totally revitalizes the luster and the appearance of the tyre and seals against traffic film, moisture and dust.
Micro fiber towels are then used to clean the surface and soak up the liquefied dirt. The second clean micro fiber towel is for buffing giving the car a good wax-like shine. The use of second micro fiber towel ensures there are no wax smearing on windows and no white residue on rubber trim.
For each car, we use up to four micro fiber cloths to wipe off the solution from the body, mirrors and tires of the car.